The signotec signoAPI/JAVA is the efficient JAVA programming interface for system integrators. It is especially easy to operate, giving even novices a speedy introduction and allowing them to program comfortably. Numerous code examples are available.
A wide variety of functions is available, e.g. for signature recording, document editing, converting, protecting authenticity etc..
The functions listed are only a selection!
- actionPerformed
- createFromBase64String
- createFromFile
- createFromSigObject
- dumpBase64String
- getBase64SignatureData
- getBufferedImage
- getImageIcon
- getLCountOfBlocks
- getLProductVersion
- getLTabletSerial
- getNComEncType
- getNDplx
- getNDply
- getNHWType
- getNMSecs
- getNPadxSize
- getNPadySize
- getNPoints
- getNPressureLevel
- getNStrokes
- getNumberOfStrokeValues
- getNumberOfStrokes
- getPdfSignature
- getProperties
- getStrokePValue
- getStrokeTValue
- getStrokeXValue
- getStrokeYValue
- readData
- SignPdfAction
- SignPdfAction
- SignotecAction
- SignotecPdfAction
- setLTabletSerial
- setProperties
- setProperties
- signDocument
- validateProperties
- verifyDocument