Our Clients


In use the significant modify standard-product" SignoSign/Web". Therewith it is the safest product for handwritten electronic signatures in general.

Sigma-AWDIn use 1.000 signature pads Sigma. Specifically for this project, the pads were equipped in the colors of the AWD and with the company logo.
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Basler Versicherungen
In use the SigLite 1x5 LCD and the software Signotec API/FE.
Basler Versicherungen
BGV - Badische Versicherungen in Karlsruhe
BGV - Badische Versicherungen in Karlsruhe

In use "SignoSign/Web" and a Tablet-PC.
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Concordia Versicherungsgruppe Hannover
Concordia Versicherungsgruppe Hannover In use the Software "SignoSign" with customized interfaces for the program from Concordia.
DEVK Versicherungen
DEVK Versicherungen

Sigma-DEVK In use the signature pad Sigma.The pads were equipped in the colors of the company and with the company label.

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Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung in Österreich

In use the "signoAPI/Win" and over 1.000 signature pads SigLite 1x5 LCD.

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Hanse Merkur Versicherungsgruppe

Sigma-Hanse Merkur Versicherungen In use the signature pads "Sigma". . The pads were equipped in the colors of the company and with the company label.

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HDI-Gerling Lebensversicherung AG

In use the signature pad Sigma

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Helvetia Versicherungen

In use the signature pad SigLite 1x5 and SignoSign

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HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH

In use the signature pad Sigma

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impuls Finanzmanegement AG

In use the signature pad "Sigma".

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INTER Versicherungen Mannheim

In use the standard product " SignoSign " and the native Java SDK.

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Itzehoer Versicherung

Sigma Pad Itzehoer Versicherungen In use the signature pads "Sigma". The pads were equipped in the colors of the company and with the company label.

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Lippische Landes-Brandversicherung

In use the Plug-In for the Internet-Explorer " SignoSign/Web ".

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Mannheimer Versicherungen

In use the signature pad Sigma .

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Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe

In use the Application Programming Interface " signoAPI "

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Österreichische Beamtenversicherung

In use for over 1.000 adviser. SigLite 1x5 LCDand the " SignoSign ".

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Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Brandkasse in Aurich

In use " SignoSign/Web " and the signature pad SigLite 1x5.

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Provinzial Versicherung

The equipment of 3.300 sales representatives with the software " SignoSign " and the signature pad SigLite 1x5 LCD.

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RheinLand Versicherungsgruppe

In use the SigLite 1x5 LCD and the " SignoSign ".

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tecis Finanzdienstleistungen

In use the significant modify standard-product " SignoSign/Web ".

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In use " SignoSign/Web " and the signature pad " Sigma "

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Secure your digital documents like pdf, docx. Capture digital signatures now with our signature capture devices.