Download signoPAD-API
The signoPAD-API is a free and extremely powerful interface for integrating the signotec signature pads.
Thus, the API offers a variety of functions to interact with the devices. As an integrator, you can display content (such as images, graphics, text, buttons, etc.) and documents, manage memory, configure standby images, slide shows, and control RSA and signature functionality in the pad.
This variety of functions makes it possible to control simple or very complex contents and workflows via the device. The individual presentation and reaction options for your software offer limitless integration options.
In addition, the signature can be saved in various graphic formats (with or without content of the LCD). Also, the complete biometrics of the signature can be recorded and saved (encrypted).
The signoPAD-API offers many functions and possibilities to communicate with the signotec signature pads and to integrate them into existing applications - completely FREE (including updates).
- Enumerate all available devices
- Use any number of devices in parallel
- Control of the backlight
- Sensor adjustment up to 500 Hz
- Interaction across all available connection types: USB, vCOM, Virtual Channel and Ethernet
Display Options
- unlimited presentation of content on the pad: images, graphics, text, buttons, etc.
- Display PDF documents on the pad
- Scroll function for the signotec Omega, Gamma, Delta and Alpha
- Supported image formats: JPEG, PNG (transparent), BMP, TIFF, GIF
- Configuration of pen color and thickness
- pressure-dependent signature
- Control of the LED on the front
- Configuration of a slide show
Capture a signature
- Capturing the signature in various image formats (JPEG, PNG (transparent), BMP, TIFF, GIF)
- Capture the signature in any resolution
- automatic cropping or fixed image size
- Save the signature including LCD content (including background and overlay)
- Variable line width, brightness, thickness and soften
- Display of a timestamp
- Acquisition of biometrics (x, y, z, t) as signotec "SignData" format, raw format or ISO format (ISO/IEC 19794-7: Biometric data interchange formats – Part 7: Signature/Sign Time Series Data)
- The captured image of the signature is in strict accordance with the standard 9303 of the ICAO
- RSA encryption of the biometrics in the pad
- Digital signature in the pad
- Content Signing: Possibility to sign the LCD content tamper-proof
- Creating a key pair in the pad
- Store certificates in the pad
Example Integration
The integration takes place via various components*, depending on the operating system. All components are available as 32- and 64-bit version.
In addition to the components, the download package also includes demo applications (including source code) as well as extensive documentation.
Programming Languages
- C#
- C++
- Delphi
- VB6
- Java
- JavaScript
- and more…
Operating Systems*
(32- und 64-Bit)
- Windows (Native)
- .NET Assembly
- ActiveX
- Native DLL
- Windows (Java)
- Linux (Java)
- Linux (Native)
System Requirements
The system requirements vary depending on the product* and operating system. Please refer to the exact requirements of the respective documentation.
The signoPAD-API is available free of charge, including all updates, and can be downloaded at any time via the link below.
The download contains everything you need:
- All mentioned API components
- Device drivers
- Documentation
- Demo Applications
- Sourcecode Projects
Screenshot: signoPAD-API Demo Application* Please note that the signoPAD-API represents a separate product for each operating system. Due to the different system environments, the same functionality can not be offered across all platforms. For more information we are always at your disposal.